Chinnamasta's courses are focused on the trilogy of yogic, āyurvedic and tantrik teachings covering the multi-dimensional body. All courses can be taken as a stand alone, though the depth of these teachings are truly experienced by dedicated study over the course of time integrating all three areas of this trilogy.
The thread that runs throughout the Trilogy Teachings is your own sādhana. When you live a teaching, you integrate and embody how the teaching challenged and transformed you.Through your own sādhana, you become sensitive to your own needs to self-regulate and maintain a dynamic balance. This enables you to share these wisdom teachings from a place of alignment with truth, integrity and compassion.
The thread that runs throughout the Trilogy Teachings is your own sādhana. When you live a teaching, you integrate and embody how the teaching challenged and transformed you.Through your own sādhana, you become sensitive to your own needs to self-regulate and maintain a dynamic balance. This enables you to share these wisdom teachings from a place of alignment with truth, integrity and compassion.
Click the Trilogy Therapy Program to read all options of self - paced professional courses
The wide range of topics that are offered self- paced are: Structural Yoga Therapy Level I & II, Patañjali Yoga Sutras Chapter I and II, Āyurveda Comprehensive Foundations I , Āyurvedic Yoga Therapy Level I,
Check the Teachings link to find scheduled upcoming live offerings
Offerings in near future include
Tantra Yoga Secrets - 18 classes, Prāna Shakti Retreat - A Practice of Devotion, Prānāyāma, Shat Karmas & Pranic healing
The wide range of topics that are offered self- paced are: Structural Yoga Therapy Level I & II, Patañjali Yoga Sutras Chapter I and II, Āyurveda Comprehensive Foundations I , Āyurvedic Yoga Therapy Level I,
Check the Teachings link to find scheduled upcoming live offerings
Offerings in near future include
Tantra Yoga Secrets - 18 classes, Prāna Shakti Retreat - A Practice of Devotion, Prānāyāma, Shat Karmas & Pranic healing
Structural Yoga™ is a form of classical yoga that allows teachers to adapt yoga to individual needs and provide teachings that translate off the mat into daily life. Structural Yoga™ instructors are trained to teach classes to people with a broad spectrum of needs, from those able to participate in traditional yoga classes to those with movement restriction, injuries or health challenges who require modifications and a very compassionate, healing approach. Structural Yoga™ relies on a deep respect for the body's innate capacity for safe, healthy movement and healing. This translates to a way of teaching that invites the body to find its own optimal way of moving and building strength, without the use of many props or hands-on corrections that might ultimately hinder self-awareness and the slow, careful development of the muscle structures that are needed to develop a full yoga practice. Structural Yoga students are also gently invited to discover their own yogic path that can carry them through personal challenges, on a path of spiritual growth and transformation. This program is for Yoga Teachers with a minimum of 200 hours certification and for certified Yoga Therapists who wish to expand their understanding about Structural Yoga Therapy.
Structural Yoga Therapy level
Balance strength & flexibility - Adapt to the person
Pain from a yogic multi-dimensional perspective, darshan of Patañjali's Yoga Sutras to guide you from dukha to sattva, sāmkhya recap, tri-guna and the mind, develop your own sādhana, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics of movement & kinesiology, range of motion of the joints, Structural Yoga Therapy complete sādhana sequence, preparatory poses, Joint Freeing Series with modifications & focus on restoring rom, flow of prāna, improving musculair strength, as a diagnostic tool, prānāyāma for pain, mantra, mudra and prayer, nīdra, assessment, hetu, recommendations adapted to the uniqueness of the person & individual needs
This SYT level I course is available as a self-paced individual and mentored study. You can start any time
- 19 online classes of 2 hours
- PDF Manual and Powerpoint
- Videos & audio of JFS, nīdra, prānāyāma & hands-on practices
Pain from a yogic multi-dimensional perspective, darshan of Patañjali's Yoga Sutras to guide you from dukha to sattva, sāmkhya recap, tri-guna and the mind, develop your own sādhana, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics of movement & kinesiology, range of motion of the joints, Structural Yoga Therapy complete sādhana sequence, preparatory poses, Joint Freeing Series with modifications & focus on restoring rom, flow of prāna, improving musculair strength, as a diagnostic tool, prānāyāma for pain, mantra, mudra and prayer, nīdra, assessment, hetu, recommendations adapted to the uniqueness of the person & individual needs
This SYT level I course is available as a self-paced individual and mentored study. You can start any time
Patañjali Yoga Sutras Chapter I and II
In this PYS, II course Chinnamasta explores the threads of wisdom in a practical way from a yogic, āyurvedic and tantrik point of view. These classes offer an opportunity to be on the receiving end, to remember what is truthful and to reflect on what this means for your daily life in relation to the world that you live in. This course is a practical and profound tool to establish oneself in an ethical dharmic way of living.
- 15 ninety minutes classes video & mp3
- PDF of class notes
- Weekly homework to reflect upon and integrate within the personal sādhana
- Each sūtra of PYS Ch II is chanted and explored one-by-one
- Mantra, prayer, prānāyāma, reflection and each class is completed with a guided meditation
The roots of Āyurveda, Sāmkhya through the lens of Āyurveda, Patanjali Yoga Sutra through the lens of Āyurveda, goal of Āyurveda, purushārthas, swastha, twenty gunas, pancha maha bhutas, tan matras, tri-guna, doshas & seat & function, seeking freedom from instability, vikruti/prakruti, dhatus, ahara, vihara, ritucharya, ratucharya, nidra, brahmacharya, shat karmas, kitchen herbs & spices, , Āyurvedic guidelines for exercises, brahmana & langana, agni, ama, apana, Āyurvedic psychology, Āyurvedic pranayama, rasāyana/ immunity
This program is available as a self-paced mentored online learning course. You can start any time.
- 18 two-hour classes audio/video recordings
- Additional video series with āyurvedic home remedies & practices
- Comprehensive PDF manual, Resource PDFs, weekly homework assignments & online test
The roots of Āyurveda, Sāmkhya through the lens of Āyurveda, Patanjali Yoga Sutra through the lens of Āyurveda, goal of Āyurveda, purushārthas, swastha, twenty gunas, pancha maha bhutas, tan matras, tri-guna, doshas & seat & function, seeking freedom from instability, vikruti/prakruti, dhatus, ahara, vihara, ritucharya, ratucharya, nidra, brahmacharya, shat karmas, kitchen herbs & spices, , Āyurvedic guidelines for exercises, brahmana & langana, agni, ama, apana, Āyurvedic psychology, Āyurvedic pranayama, rasāyana/ immunity
This program is available as a self-paced mentored online learning course. You can start any time.
Balance the Doshas | Personalize Sādhanā | Build Prāna, Tejas and Ojas
Balance the Doshas | Personalize Sādhanā | Build Prāna, Tejas and Ojas
The full āyurvedic yoga therapy training program ( level I & II) covers all practices of Mukunda's book Āyurvedic Yoga Therapy and additional deepening tools from Chinnamasta's 30 years of experience and background in āyurveda.
This program is for yoga teachers with a minimum of 200 hours certification, for certified yoga therapists and āyurvedic practitioners, who wish to expand their understanding and deepen their expertise in Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy in a private setting.
10 vinyasas balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha, Step-by-step development of an āyurvedic yogic sādhana aligned with Patañjali's Yoga Sutras, Charaka, Sushruta and Ashtanga Hridayam, adapting the practice to individual needs, prānāyāma, bandhas, mudra
, pañcha maha bhutas, 20 tattvas, tri-gunas, indriyas, karmendryas, agni and āma, prāna and apana, the five vayus, digestion from Western and Eastern perspective, therapeutic tools through the lens of an āyurvedic yoga therapist, hetu, chakra psychology, āyurveda and the mind, dinacharya/ ritacharya/ rutacharya) and techniques to promote sleep (nīdra), darshan (world view) of the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, and how to apply the āyurvedic principles according to the sutras in daily life.
This AYT program is approved and listed as a peripheral āyurvedic training program at the NAMA, the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.
This program is for yoga teachers with a minimum of 200 hours certification, for certified yoga therapists and āyurvedic practitioners, who wish to expand their understanding and deepen their expertise in Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy in a private setting.
10 vinyasas balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha, Step-by-step development of an āyurvedic yogic sādhana aligned with Patañjali's Yoga Sutras, Charaka, Sushruta and Ashtanga Hridayam, adapting the practice to individual needs, prānāyāma, bandhas, mudra
, pañcha maha bhutas, 20 tattvas, tri-gunas, indriyas, karmendryas, agni and āma, prāna and apana, the five vayus, digestion from Western and Eastern perspective, therapeutic tools through the lens of an āyurvedic yoga therapist, hetu, chakra psychology, āyurveda and the mind, dinacharya/ ritacharya/ rutacharya) and techniques to promote sleep (nīdra), darshan (world view) of the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, and how to apply the āyurvedic principles according to the sutras in daily life.
This AYT program is approved and listed as a peripheral āyurvedic training program at the NAMA, the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.
Build Prāna | Come Home to the Source | Experience Shakti What would your life look like if you are being your authentic true self, living life fully integrating the sensual, sexual and spiritual aspects in One? Tantra Yoga secrets guides you in eighteen transformational lessons to serenity, radiance and bliss. Tantra Yoga bridges Āyurveda and Yoga. Āyurveda strengthens the health of the physical body, Yoga stabilizes the mind and Tantra Yoga offers practices to contain your energy, elevate it and let the energy guide you to your authentic self. These practices refine your sensitivity and build your body container of prāna. From this increased inner sensitivity you naturally feel what the appropriate boundaries are with others. The result is supportive and expansive relationships as a naturally arising fact in life. Tantra Sādhana opens the prānic body where we hold stuck patterns and conditionings. Once you feel safe, these suppressed feelings will be released. |
This teaching will be offered again starting WINTER 2025
- Integration of āyurvedic yogic tantrik sādhana into one
- Tantrik Sadhana: Step-by-step moving through lesson 1-12 of Tantra Yoga Secrets book, written by Mukunda Stiles
- Tantrik tools of healing: mudrā, tantrasana, tantrik pranayama, kriya, prānic body work
- Darshan from several tantrik scriptures such as Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Bhakti Sutras and Devi Māhātmyam
- Rituals, mantra, prayer, meditation, visualization & practice and prānāyāma during the dying process
This teaching will be offered again starting WINTER 2025