I have done this course twice with Chinnamasta and it is wayyyy more than a course, it is wisdom teachings for living a good and authentic life, for deepening one's relationship with the Inner Teacher that never leaves, to becoming sensitive to our self and others, to learn to ride the waves with grace. Its never a one stop shop. It's ongoing daily personal spiritual growth. I am deeply grateful 🙏 ❤️ and happy to be in this sangha of committed beautiful humans
Saraswati Hancock |
It has been such a fantastic journey. Tantra brings Awareness to a whole different level. Tantra is the study of Self Love, allowing for the nurturing of the soul. Let compassion lead the way. Tantra also helps to cut through what is no longer needed, using discernment in all things and finding the ease in the process. Our sangha has been a profound part of the teachings, which are full and rich with potency. Truly grateful for the shared wisdom Chinnamasta 🙏🏼
Ricardo |
A few gem teachings of Tantra Yoga Secrets
Join Chinnamasta for Eighteen transformational Lessons to Serenity, Radiance and Bliss.
This is a wisdom teaching, supporting you in all areas of your life.
The book Tantra Yoga Secrets, by Mukunda Stiles and edited by Chinnamasta will be used as a support, with commentary, reflections and additional practices that are not described in the book.
This teaching is what I have been living and practicing for thirty years. Tantra is a practical and radically transformational path, which effects you in all areas of your life. Tantra is a sacred subtle practice which bridges hatha yoga and āyurveda,
It is the final teaching for seasoned practicioners who have been engaging in Structural Yoga Therapy (SYT level I) , Āyurvedic Comprehensive Foundation (ACF level I) and Patañjali Yoga Sutras (PYS) courses.
These courses are the foundation upon which the subtle teachings of Tantra flow best.
Once you are grounded in a Yogic and Āyurvedic lifestyle as taught by me, your body-mind-heart structure is supported. You are better equipped at navigating the waves and experiences that arise from the Tantrik practice
The trinity of Yoga, Āyurveda and Tantra will start to work through you synergetically, enhancing each other and merging as one way of living your life authentically.
With great respect and love
18 online classes of 2 hours and 15 minutes
Time: Thursdays 8.30 am - 10.45 am PST | 4.30 pm Ireland/UK | 5.30 pm rest of Europe
All classes will be recorded and posted on the member page portal, only accessible to the Tantrik sangha of this year.
Sign up:
send an email to Chinnamasta at [email protected] mentioning your choice of payment, any personal information you feel is needed to share, and your written commitment to payment and the code of ethics ---> copy and paste this in your email:
" I have read and commit to abide by the code of ethics presented on the website shivashaktiloka.com under the tab of Tantra Yoga. I also commit to complete payments timely as agreed. I commit to be present live in all or most of all classes and if I am unable to attend class live, I will notify Chinnamasta in advance through email. I commit to Tantrik Sādhanā at home during the week to my ability, and adapted to my circumstances. Lastly I commit to be present with great respect and love to each one within the sangha, to be part of a sacred and safe container, where all feel welcomed. Date: Signed:
Dead line sign up:
Payment options & dates TBA
This is a wisdom teaching, supporting you in all areas of your life.
The book Tantra Yoga Secrets, by Mukunda Stiles and edited by Chinnamasta will be used as a support, with commentary, reflections and additional practices that are not described in the book.
This teaching is what I have been living and practicing for thirty years. Tantra is a practical and radically transformational path, which effects you in all areas of your life. Tantra is a sacred subtle practice which bridges hatha yoga and āyurveda,
It is the final teaching for seasoned practicioners who have been engaging in Structural Yoga Therapy (SYT level I) , Āyurvedic Comprehensive Foundation (ACF level I) and Patañjali Yoga Sutras (PYS) courses.
These courses are the foundation upon which the subtle teachings of Tantra flow best.
Once you are grounded in a Yogic and Āyurvedic lifestyle as taught by me, your body-mind-heart structure is supported. You are better equipped at navigating the waves and experiences that arise from the Tantrik practice
The trinity of Yoga, Āyurveda and Tantra will start to work through you synergetically, enhancing each other and merging as one way of living your life authentically.
With great respect and love
18 online classes of 2 hours and 15 minutes
Time: Thursdays 8.30 am - 10.45 am PST | 4.30 pm Ireland/UK | 5.30 pm rest of Europe
All classes will be recorded and posted on the member page portal, only accessible to the Tantrik sangha of this year.
- All should as a minimum practice palm tree vinyāsa , joint free series, wave breath, ujjayi and have experience with the five prānas as they have been shared by me or Mukunda.
- All should be familiar with chapter II of Pantañjali Yoga Sutra’s as rendered by Mukunda Stiles as the foundation for their sādhanā.
- All should by familiar with SYT level I and ACF level I teachings as a minimum.
- All should be engaged in a regular sādhana and continue to engage in the practice offered during class at home during the week
- All should be able to attend most of the classes live. When you are unable to attend live any class, you cannot be accepted into this teaching
- All should be aware that these 18 classes are recorded and yet only visible for those inside the the tantrik sangha.
- This course will not be made available in the MIL portal
- All should abide by the code of ethic of great respect and love behavior in attitude, words and action to one another including to and from the teacher.
- The teachings and shared experienced in this sangha are not to be shared with anyone outside of this sangha except with Chinnamasta
Sign up:
send an email to Chinnamasta at [email protected] mentioning your choice of payment, any personal information you feel is needed to share, and your written commitment to payment and the code of ethics ---> copy and paste this in your email:
" I have read and commit to abide by the code of ethics presented on the website shivashaktiloka.com under the tab of Tantra Yoga. I also commit to complete payments timely as agreed. I commit to be present live in all or most of all classes and if I am unable to attend class live, I will notify Chinnamasta in advance through email. I commit to Tantrik Sādhanā at home during the week to my ability, and adapted to my circumstances. Lastly I commit to be present with great respect and love to each one within the sangha, to be part of a sacred and safe container, where all feel welcomed. Date: Signed:
Dead line sign up:
- In full per person 900 euro. Couple 1200 euro
- Your payment confirms your registration.
- Spread payment: 8 monthly payments of 125 Euro.
- Those who have attended the TYS in 2022-2024 are accepted in this year TYS at a discount rate of 450 euro. You can pay either in full or in 4 increments of 125 euro
Payment options & dates TBA
Tantra Yoga Secrets, Mukunda Stiles
Other book recommendations and weekly homework / sādhanā practice will be offered throughout all classes
The core of Tantra Yoga Secrets sādhanā is subtle and devotional. We primarily work with the subtle bodies weaving and integrating practices into our daily way of living. The aim is to ground ourselves into reality, integrity and authentic being.
This is the state of being we call Yoga resulting from an elevated awareness abiding in the Self.
This inner state is to be put into action outwardly through compassionate, courageous and authentic engagement in the world.
A Tantrik uses all life experiences as fuel, to burn through any form of pain. When the energy of suffering comes into awareness through loving kindness and consistent practice, it transforms, dissipates and involutes.
What shines through is pure potency for the benefit of all living beings, as the personal dedication of collective care
Shakti arrives at the doorstep of your heart, once you become fluid and still
Tantrik practice is one where we balance karma and dharma in every breath we take.
We honor sensual, sexual and spiritual energy as different expressions of the Divine Being we are.
This mystical energy called Shakti is beyond gender and color, naturally expanding when we get out of the way and surrender.
Shakti is in a continuous dance with Stillness, called the Tandava - the blissful dance of the lover and the beloved
It is this Tandava that takes you to places beyond your mind and doing. This is where the secrets unfold.
It is sometimes called a Third Presence, which is revealed beyond the space where two become One.
The Spiritual Love reveals itself, wherever there is an able vessel
With great respect and love,
Tantra Yoga Secrets, Mukunda Stiles
Other book recommendations and weekly homework / sādhanā practice will be offered throughout all classes
The core of Tantra Yoga Secrets sādhanā is subtle and devotional. We primarily work with the subtle bodies weaving and integrating practices into our daily way of living. The aim is to ground ourselves into reality, integrity and authentic being.
This is the state of being we call Yoga resulting from an elevated awareness abiding in the Self.
This inner state is to be put into action outwardly through compassionate, courageous and authentic engagement in the world.
A Tantrik uses all life experiences as fuel, to burn through any form of pain. When the energy of suffering comes into awareness through loving kindness and consistent practice, it transforms, dissipates and involutes.
What shines through is pure potency for the benefit of all living beings, as the personal dedication of collective care
Shakti arrives at the doorstep of your heart, once you become fluid and still
Tantrik practice is one where we balance karma and dharma in every breath we take.
We honor sensual, sexual and spiritual energy as different expressions of the Divine Being we are.
This mystical energy called Shakti is beyond gender and color, naturally expanding when we get out of the way and surrender.
Shakti is in a continuous dance with Stillness, called the Tandava - the blissful dance of the lover and the beloved
It is this Tandava that takes you to places beyond your mind and doing. This is where the secrets unfold.
It is sometimes called a Third Presence, which is revealed beyond the space where two become One.
The Spiritual Love reveals itself, wherever there is an able vessel
With great respect and love,